
  • Will I be charged for delivery?

    Delivery is free on orders of OMR 20 and above. If your total order value is less than OMR 20, you will be charged OMR 2 for delivery.

    There will also be an additional service charge of OMR 1 on all Cash on Delivery orders.

    Your delivery charges will be displayed during the checkout process.

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  • How do I order products online?


    1. Find the items you want to buy by searching for them or by browsing our departments.
    2. Add these items to your basket with the 'Add to Basket' button.
    3. Click your mini-basket from the top right of the screen and hit the 'Checkout Now' button.
    4. Enter your shipping information and click the 'Ship to this Address' button.
    5. Enter your payment information and click the 'Continue' button.
    6. Review your order and place it using the 'Place Your Order' button.

    That’s it! You’re all done.

    If you need any help along the way, give us a call on 80062966, 7 days a week, so we can talk you through it.

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  • Can I place an order over the phone?

    At the moment, we only accept orders placed through the MaxFashion.com website or apps. 

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  • Can I place an order without opening an online account?

    Yes, you can. Simply skip the sign-in process and shop as a guest. You’ll only need to enter your address and payment information when you check out.

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  • Can I place an order for a product that's out of stock?

    We regularly update our product range with new items, but every once in a while you may miss out on something. Enter your email address in the Notify Me box next to the product, and you'll be the first to know when it's back in stock.

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  • How do I cancel my order?

    It’s easy. Here’s what you need to do.

    If you’ve signed in to your account: 

    1. Go to the Order Details page in your My Account section.
    2. Click on the order from which you want to cancel products.
    3. Select the specific products you wish to cancel.
    4. Click ‘Cancel selected items’.

    That’s it! You’re done.

    If you’re a guest user:

    Call us on 80062966 and we'll help you cancel your order.

    Do remember that you can only cancel orders that are in the Processing stage.

    However, if your order has already been dispatched, wait for it to arrive and refuse to accept the delivery.

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  • I was disconnected from the internet while my order was being processed. How do I complete my order?

    That sounds terrible. Fortunately, if a Thank You screen hasn't been displayed, it means your order hasn't been processed. Restart the process and try again.

    If you need any help along the way, give us a call on 80062966, 7 days a week, so we can talk you through it.

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